Profil du membre carlibanks
Dernière connexion : il y a 6016 jours
Inscription : il y a 6017 jours
Profil consulté : 2165 fois
Informations personnelles
Âge : 40 ans
Sexe : Femme
État civil : Célibataire
Message personnel : Hey everyone! I’m 22 yrs old, I’m originally from Iowa but I moved to California a few yrs ago. I’m a pretty simple person and very easy to get along with. I love, girls, dancing, and the color pink. I love to wear flip flops and dress very casual. I’m really into paranormal stuff like aliens, ghost, the unknown, and I love Sci-fi movies. I like to workout (and check out the girls in the gym). I like to go to the beach, layout and have bomb fires, but I don’t go into the water, I’ve seen to many JAWS movies to know better, LOL. I also like to masturbate, I do it at least once a day, it keeps me in ZEN!
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Pays : United States