Profil du membre TiffanyPreston

Dernière connexion : il y a 4538 jours

Inscription : il y a 5993 jours

Profil consulté : 30312 fois


Informations personnelles

Prénom : Tiffany Preston

Âge : 39 ans

Sexe : Femme

État civil : Célibataire

Message personnel : # : Hi everybody!!! Welcome to my Tiffany Preston sexe911 profile !!! There are couple words to discover me and let you know about myself. I grew up in Canada, and yes I do have a French accent. I have been studying in Fashion Design for a couples of year until I get my certificate. Now, I do modeling. I spend a lot of time now traveling, working as a Porn Star on my website. Love and Kisses Tiffany xoxox Access 4 websites and tons of free threat for only 1 small price ! # Interest & hobbies: What i like to do in my spares time is roller blade , walking my dog and in the winter i like snow boarding!

Site web :

Ville de naissance : quebec

Ville : quebec

Code postal : g1j14

Pays : Canada

Dernière vidéo ajoutée

Ajoutée : il y a 4742 jours

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